Getting started guide

1. Home page

See guide

2. Get started by creating account

Currently, you can only login with Github, We will be adding more OAuth providers soon.

See guideSee guide

3. Create a new project

Initially you will see this screen, when you don't have any project

See guide

Fill in your correct details, the project details (Name and Client URL) cannot be updated later

See guide

After creating the project, you will see your API key, keep it handy, you will need it for Sankhya SDK integration.

See guide

Right now, if you go to analytics page, you will see No data available when you haven't integrated the SDK yet or there were no visitors after the integration.

See guide

4. Integrate Sankhya SDK in your project

  • You can integrate Sankhya only in your client side projects.

  • Load the below SDK script URL in your project, it adds a method to your browser window
  • Copy your API key from project page

  • Call the below method on any page in your web app, preferrably on load.

  • Make sure the SDK script is loaded completely before you trying calling the below method

    See guide
  • captureUserEvent method returns a Promise, you just need to call it, however you want.

  • Please note that the API key can be used to capture analytics only on the Client URL that was used while creating the project. So, while testing it locally you will see the below error. Don't worry about it and deploy your project to production.

    You are not authorized to perform this action
  • This is all that you have to do and Sankhya will start generating user analytics for you.

5. Using analytics dashboard

Once you have integrated the Sankhya SDK in your client side project, you can start seeing the user analytics straight away.

See guideSee guideSee guide

The analytics data is shown for selected start date and end date which you can change, and it defaults to past one week.

See guide

You can also see your profile details, session expiry and logout option by clicking on your profile icon on top right corner. Session expires in 30 days.

See guide

6. Frequently asked questions

Yes, we only generate the given analytics from your user's data, we do not store or share any sensitive information